My overall thoughts of this experience was just so overwhelming. When I woke up I was not expecting to be so impacted by this. When I arrived at school I was very excited to start my day. The bus ride there felt like it took so long. When we FINALLY got there I was so pumped up! As we were walking to go find our seats, we saw Phoebe and Scott from Much Music! I am a really REALLY big fan of Pheobe and was so excited when I saw her! Once I saw other people taking pictures with her I got even more excited!!! I went in line as soon as I could and my heart was pounding!! I gave her the biggest hug ever and I felt like I was about to cry! I also got her autograph! I couldn't stop jumping and freaking out!
Once I calmed down a bit Jessica Tran, Jessica Da Silva, Mae, Perry and I went to go look at the T-shirts. I purchased the "We have the power" one. (:
After that we took our seats and the show began. Once I heard Jesse Giddings song I freaked out and started screaming! I'm a HUGE Jesse Giddings fan. Once I heard his song, I already knew it was gonna be a great time. There were so many amazing performances and speeches! My three main performances were Tyler Shaw, Shawn Desman and my all time favorite.... LIGHTS! Tyler Shaw did an amazing job! He sang "Kiss Goodnight" (: Shawn Desman performed "Nobody does it like you" Mae and I were dancing and singing along. It was a lot of fun.

Other than performances there were also phenomenal speakers. People like Hannah Taylor, Mikhail Gorbachev, Spencer West, Molly Burke, and of course Marc and Craig Kielburger, and others. Everyone was very inspiring but Molly Burke is the one who probably impacted me the most. Molly told us that she hurt her ankle and had to use crutches. One day a group of "popular girls" asked her to hangout with them. She said she was so desperate that she agreed even though she KNEW they were bullies. They went to a forest and when Molly took a rest and sat down, she HEARD her crutches being slammed against a tree and she knew they were broken. Molly then told us to all to be silent, for seven seconds.The lights dimmed. She told us she didn't tell us one detail. "This is how I see my world", I didn't know what she meant. She then began to say "I am blind". Everyone was in shock and we all looked at each other. We were all surprised and definitely didn't expect it. Her voice was so strong and powerful! I didn't know how to react once she said it! She is very strong girl who has been through a lot. She was very inspirational.
Over all it was an amazing experience and it made me want to change the world! I want to make a difference. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Don't wait for the change, BE THE CHANGE.
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